Saturday, May 14, 2011

Caption Contest: you shall not interrupt Gandalf’s 3D viewing session

Nobody likes being bothered while they're really getting into a movie, and as we all know you can't really get into a movie unless it's in 3D. Right? Sir Ian McKellen took things a step further, not only watching a screening of The Hobbit in the third dimension but doing it in character, and looking ever so slightly perturbed at having his viewing session interrupted by a rogue photographer. The guy in the back doesn't seem to mind, though.

Thomas: "Galadriel, is that new shampoo?"
Tim: "These glasses may be passive but I you may find me getting very aggressive if you use that flash one more time."
Brian: "I'll tell you what, you're making me Gandalf the Red right now."
Joe: "Would 'one standard to rule them all' be asking too much?"
Michael: "ZZ Top called, they want their roadie back"
Terrence: "Even Gandalf the Grey is powerless against the magic of these glasses which make any man look like a 90-year-old blind woman."
Richard Lai: "Ha, no 3D for that flaming cyclops in Mordor."
Darren: "One ring. Two Towers. 3Ds."
Christopher: "Sir Ian McKellen: the latest victim of Rick Rubin's Ambush Makeover."
Sean Buckley: "Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee. What have I told you about interrupting me during my stories?"
Josh Fruhlinger: "You know how they say 3D is bad for children? This dude is 14."

Friday, May 13, 2011

Android 3.1 on the Motorola Xoom: hands-on (video)

Android 3.1
That Android 3.1 update that Google announced during I/O is slowly rolling out to 3G Xoom owners as we speak. How'd we know such a thing? Why, it just landed on our in-house Xoom, of course! Most of the changes to Honeycomb are happening under the hood -- better HTML5 support, faster performance,
and USB host functionality for connecting peripherals like game controllers and mice -- but there are some improvements that will be a lot more obvious to the user. Perhaps our favorite is the addition of resizable widgets. For the moment only the email and Gmail inbox, calendar and bookmarks widgets can be stretched or shrunk, but we're sure others will follow. We're particularly appreciative of the expandable calendar widget, which always felt a tad cramped. The task switcher also received a much requested upgrade and now lets you scroll through your last 18 launched apps, instead of just the five most recent. Lastly, the Android Market now offers movie rentals, alongside books and apps, which range in price from $1.99 to $4.99 for 24 hours of playback. There isn't a ton of revolutionary stuff going on here, but it's certainly a welcome and worthwhile update. Check out the video after the break to see Android 3.1 in action.

Logitech Revue price drops to $199 on Amazon

While we wait for the OTA update that will bring Android 3.1 to existing Google TV devices, Logitech's Revue -- check the official blog post linked below for some of the features being added -- has apparently already received its price cut and CrunchGear points out it is currently available for $199 on Amazon.
As we noted a couple of weeks ago when the company announced weak sales and a plan to drop the price to $249, getting the price under two bills was probably as important as smoothing out the software experience. Of course, after Google I/O we wonder if anyone interested in Google TV is still jonesing for a launch device (even with the promise of updated software and Android Market access in the future) when something newer and better is likely on the way. After all, you can get Honeycomb on a T-Mobile G1 now, but that doesn't mean you would want to do it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What the Forex Markets Tell Us about Gold & Silver

All investors, regardless of stripe, must now be aware both of the bull market for gold/silver and the bear market in the US dollar. Despite all of the rhetoric, however, it seems that little is actually understood about how these two phenomena are actually connected. Ultimately, this connection (or lack thereof) has serious implications for both markets.

Many gold investors insist they are buying gold as a proxy for shorting the dollar. Commentary on gold prices is full of apocalyptic warnings about the current financial system and criticism of fiat currencies, which are backed by nothing except for good faith. They argue that buying gold is the best (or even the only) hedge against the eventual collapse of the dollar.

Unfortunately, I don’t think this argument holds up to close scrutiny. First of all, gold and silver [I am including silver in this analysis not because of any deep relationship to gold, but only because of the association ascribed by other commentators and an observable market correlation] prices have risen much faster over the last year (and decade, for that matter) than even the strongest currencies. Furthermore, gold is rising faster than the dollar is falling. In terms of the Swiss Franc – which is to forex markets as gold is to commodities markets – gold has risen more than 17% since the start of 2010.

Second, the putative correlation between gold and forex markets asserts itself sparingly (as you can see from the chart below, which plots gold against an index that shows dollar bearishness), and in difficult-to-understand ways. For example, gold stalled during the financial crisis, while the price of silver suffered a veritable collapse. Does it make sense that when financial anxiety was highest, interest in gold and silver ebbed? Along similar lines, the recent rally in the dollar followed the recent correction in gold and silver – NOT the other way around. If anything, this shows that gold investors are taking their cues from the broader commodity markets, and not from forex markets.

Third, the macroeconomic case for gold is flimsy. While I don’t think it’s fair to attack gold on political grounds, I still think it’s reasonable to try to ascertain what forces are supposedly being hedged against. If it is inflation that gold buyers are worried about, why aren’t other all investors equally concerned? Based on futures markets – whose credibility is just as solid as gold markets – inflation expectations are around 2-4% across the G7. If instead it is sovereign debt default that gold investors are concerned about, again, I have to ask why other markets don’t share their concerns. Credit default swap rates are higher for Japanese and European debt than for US Treasury securities, but the yen and euro remain positively buoyant against the dollar. Again, how do gold investors explain this contradiction?

To me, it seems obvious that gold and silver are rising for reasons that have very little to do with fundamentals. Monetary expansion has driven a wave of money into financial markets, and a significant portion of this has no doubt found its way into gold, silver, and other metals. In fact, it seems that last week’s correction was driven partly by higher margin requirements for speculators. Finally, their cause is being helped by low interest rates, since the opportunity cost of holding gold (which doesn’t pay interest) in lieu of dollars (which does) is currently close to zero. When interest rates rise, it will certainly be interesting to see if there is any impact on gold.

In the end, I don’t have a strong understanding of gold and silver markets. For all I know, their rise is genuinely rooted in supply/demand, as it should be. My only wish is that investors will stop pretending that it has anything to do with the dollar.

How to Make and Lose a Fortune in Forex?

If you are looking for an online job on internet then you should consider online trading. You can earn a remarkable amount of money by forex trading. When it comes to the fastest, efficient and the most workable online trading then forex trading is the answer. Forex trading offers many benefits for traders if they get enough learning of forex trading before officially starting it. A number of features of forex trading make it is the most suitable tool to generate online money.
Useful Information about Forex Trading Market

When you consider working as a forex trader, you should gather some authentic information about forex trading market to work as an effective forex trader. Following is the useful information for you to get a quick start as a forex trader with full confidence.
Timings of Forex Market

Timings of Forex Market

Forex market remains open 24 hours a day around the world and it starts working from Sunday (afternoon/evening) till the following Friday (afternoon/evening). You can work online from anywhere in the world and become a day trader.
Risk Probability

Forex market is risky for amateur traders, but still if you learn before start working as a forex trader then you can trade effectively with low risk.
Amount of Investment

You can start your forex trading account will a very little amount of investment. This is because the technological advancements that have made it is easier for home based small investors to start online trading with only few hundred dollars.
Forex Pips

Forex market allows you to take a start with little investment and you can easily find brokers regardless of the amount you can invest. A number of brokers are always available to offer you their services.
Price Actions

You should be aware of the changes occur in price. It is obvious that you cannot know about the exact change in price but you can predict these price actions by using any analysis method.

Price actions are the reasons for the continuous working of forex market and without price fluctuations there will be no forex trading.
Currency Market

Currency Market

If you decide to trade in currency market then you can generate profit by the fluctuations occur in price. On the other hand, if you decide to trade in shares and stocks, then you have to rely only on the rising of market.
Dummy Trading Accounts

You can take a start with a dummy forex account. These accounts are being offered by the online forex brokers. You don’t have to invest real money unless you feel sure about your success in forex trading.

It is recommended to you to learn forex trading or take a course of forex trading before starting it officially. After that you should choose a system and try to stick with that system. Be persistent and train yourself to bear the ups and down of forex trading. You also have to learn from your mistake if you want generate real profits. For online trading, it is highly important for you to find an authentic website. Search a reliable forex trading system that you feel is suitable for your personality type and for your lifestyle.

Monday, May 9, 2011

WatchESPN app is now on Android, go-anywhere live TV streams still restricted to just a few providers

The WatchESPN app is now available for Android devices, bringing the same live video streams of ESPN channels it featured at its debut on iOS last month. The interface appears to be equivalent, however running it will require the installation of Adobe AIR on your Android 2.2 or higher device (no tablet optimizations yet and there's no Honeycomb mention in the press release after the break,
but it's probably on the list after the iPad-optimized version drops later this month). The downsides are still the same however, only TV subscribers to ESPNNetworks enabled providers (Time Warner Cable, Bright House or Verizon FiOS TV) can stream everything (ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3 and ESPNU) while those with just FiOS internet can access ESPN3, and all others are locked out entirely. If you have the right service plan, click the market link below to download the app (there's another app in the market called Watch ESPN Free, but we'd probably avoid that for now) for free.Continue reading WatchESPN app is now on Android, go-anywhere live TV streams still restricted to just a few providers

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mobile Apps for Trading in Currency Markets

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Honoka Hot Jepanese Girl

The world is changing too rapidly. When forex trading business was introduced, no one had guessed that it would spread so widely and would soon take over the world. The small and medium investors themselves feared that it would take quite long to gain popularity. However, the popularity in this short span is quite remarkable.
Forex Trading Platform

Forex Trading Platform

The apex of the forex trading came when automated Forex trading platforms were introduced. The markets took a dramatic, gigantic and tremendous turn, making the business the most sought after by investors around the globe.

As “Necessity is the mother of Invention”, so when the business took a leap, then the necessities also took rise. Thus, technology started playing its part to make the system better and better and this process of introducing new technologies is going on daily purpose.

The reward goes to the technology, which has made the business accessible by one and all from anywhere any time.
Forex and mobile phones

Mobile phones have revolutionized the world so as Forex trading. The trend of doing Forex trade through mobile phones is growing very rapidly nowadays. Investors and the traders find it very comforting to trade via mobile phones. It is because of mobile facility, that the investors and traders can manage their accounts, while on the move from any location on the face of earth.
Jack of all trades

Earlier it was quite harder for the businessmen who were doing different business to do forex trading as side business. The mobile technology has specially provided ease to those businessmen who are doing a bunch of jobs and are facing shortage of time, even though they want to be a part of forex trading. Now they can at the same time continue their business and do active forex trading.

Forex Software

There is mobile trading software through which investors get all the updates on their phones around the clock, including charts and other indicators. An investor through this software can easily control as well as manage his open positions and even execute the pending orders. So, no matter how long the distance is, the investor can still make the right decisions and can do forex trading. The software is meant for those who want to take Forex trading as a part time business and for those who suffer the time problems. The trading software is a little costly and all the investors may not be able to purchase it. However, by looking into the functionalities, it is indeed need of the hour. These software’s have added glamour, color ease and fun to the Forex trading business.

The latest touch-screen models can maximize the ease of operation, making Forex trading such an easy deal just at one’s fingertips.

Tips and tricks ? Speed up your computer and security

Tips and Tricks
by ekai
Tips and tricks ? Speed up your computer and security
There are many things where computer breaks down. You need some tips and tricks to look after your computer in proper way. Here are some tips regarding computer’s speed and security. You need security to protect your computer from other users to keep your privacy.

The slow down can be caused by many things in a computer. The registry keeps track of all system settings, software installation and drivers so the age of windows operating system is one cause. Install a good registry cleaner is the cure of this problem. There are softwares available such as Ccleaner. The Ccleaner will help increase your computer speed. This software is free. Just click on the registry button then it will list your problems after scanning. There will be a button “fix”. To fix all the issues just click that button. In case there is need to reinsert registry the Ccleaner will create backup. So if you are cleaning your drive with Ccleaner you will not come along any new issue.
You must not let your hard drive go full. It can also cause low speed of your computer. Windows need space for virtual memory as well as programs loading and installing. The virtual memory is a selected portion of the hard drive called page file. There is a free program from windows which is called as page defrag. It defrags the page file or the virtual memory. Defragging will speed up as you defrag the files together. It will speed up your access and your computer start up.
You must update your computer program files and your operating system to keep computer as secure as possible. Windows come with auto update feature. So when you turn on your computer, windows take care of the operating system. You need to left click the start button then on to left click the control panel icon. It will take you to the windows security centre. You must make sure that auto update is checked inside the box. The auto update will be on the left of auto updates.
There is an easy way to make sure your software programs all have the latest security patches too! With sequoias personal software inspector or PSI which is free for your own personal use. After installing Sequoia PSI 1- just left click the green button start scan, 2- left click on the blue solution button this will take you to the link then click open to allow it to install the patch, 3- continue with any other blue solution buttons, then rescan your pc.
Malware protection and removal are two big parts of a great anti-spyware program,
the cleanup has to be precise or your computer will have problems and the spyware will remain. One of the best anti-malware programs for detection and cleanup is Malware-Bytes Anti-Malware and also offers a protection mode if you have the pro version. Even the free version of Malware-Bytes Anti-Malware has outstanding removal and detection.
Luis Posselt has several years of experience in fixing computers and provides helpful tips and advice together with a whole Computer Solution Repair for homes and businesses. He has run his company Dallas Computer Repair for over 3 years now. For more information and details please visit

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Best of Forex Trading Tools

The introduction of Forex trading tools have made this business more simple and easy to understand for newbie’s. Actually, none of the device can be considered as ideal for the sake of currency trading. Nonetheless, the professional in this field have developed couple of practical instruments that offer a comprehensive idea about the currency market.
Tools Helps to Make Good Profit

The more skilled traders in this professional have accepted the fact that right t use of Forex trading tools will bring substantial earnings.
Forex Trading Tools Update the Knowledge of Traders

Forex Trading Tools

The Forex trading entails the swapping of international currencies and also earning money through this practice. The market of Forex trading has been scattered on geographical basis and is illustrated by large investments. The Forex trading tools facilitate the trader in getting the latest information about the market trends; hence he/she can earn more profits.
Tools Provide Daily Summaries of Important Currencies

The most vital characteristics of Forex trading tools are to supply the reviews of main currencies on daily basis. These also provide weekly reviews of the currencies besides the other main updated information about the market. This aids the traders in understanding the most recent situation of the currency market through which they evaluate the market stipulation. By having a thorough knowledge about the currency market, the traders can forecast the potential tendencies and invest accordingly.

In this regard couple of mechanical softwares has been launched as Forex trading tools. The development in technology has invented certain softwares that gather all the essential details robotically and save this information for the trader.
Easy to Analyze Currency

Currently the task of evaluating the currency has become very simple. In this regard, the novice traders particularly use these gears in practical and useful manner. These software tools can be downloaded from internet for an insignificant cost. Now you can access the latest market situation just with few mouse clicks.
Forex is One of the Biggest Trading Markets

Numerous currencies are traded on daily basis in Forex trading market. It is therefore, not an easy job to maintain the record of whole trade with the alteration in rates of different currencies.

As a vigilant trader, one must be aware of the most recent happening in the currency market. This purpose can solely be achieved with the help of Forex trading tools. It provides an immediate access to the trading reviews; else it would not be easy to acquire these reviews.
The Updated Information Makes the Decision Easier

If the trader has information about the prevailing rates as well as the daily and weekly reviews, he/she can take more appropriate decision. There are couple of more tools that assist trader to keep an eye on rates of interest.

These tools also provide them complete accessibility to the dictionary as well as the monetary almanac. All these gadgets are mandatory for Forex trading.
The Forex Trading Tools are Available at Your Home

Forex trading tools are within the reach of traders

Now these Forex trading tools are within the reach of traders in their own homes. The biggest benefit of Forex trading is flexibility of time, because the currency market is open 24 hours a day. The trading activities can be performed with the help of internet and the cash can also be relocated automatically with the help of electronic machines

If you have PC as well as the internet at your place, you will have an easy access to the Forex tools and the foreign currencies for trading. There are plentiful companies on internet that offer the functional gadgets, such as comprehensive market study for easy trading.
Online Tools Help in Saving Money

These online tools can be downloaded from internet free of cost. If a trader would like to save cash, he/she can utilize these online tools. These online companies issue financial reports and also have various discussion forums

The existing Forex graphs as well as the other covert trading information unearthed by the internet companies are also very helpful for the investors. The combinations of one’s skills with the Forex trading tools will surely make him/her triumphant.

Friday, May 6, 2011

“Currency Manipulation” Will Continue, Despite G20

Last month, the G20 finally agreed on the specific factors that would be used to determine whether a country was manipulating its currency. Despite being watered-down (by the usual suspects), the so-called “scorecard” is nonetheless extremely substantive. Unfortunately, the resolution will be backed only by “peer pressure,” rather than any kind of real enforcement mechanism, which means that in practice it is basically worthless.

While the proximate goal of the resolution is to eliminate exchange rate manipulation, it’s ultimate goal is to minimize the risk of another economic/financial crisis. Towards that end, a country’s “budget deficit levels, the external imbalance and private savings rates” will be closely scrutinized, and will be warned if any of these factors reach levels that are deemed to be unsustainable. The idea is that an early warning system will prevent the global economy from reaching a point of disequilibrium that is so severe that crisis would be impossible to avert.

Of course, the problems with this program are manifold. First of all, there are no concrete numbers. For example, it’s not clear how large a country’s national debt or trade deficit has to reach before it receives a phone call and slap on the wrist from the G20. In fact, you could argue that the same imbalances that precipitated the crisis are largely still in place, which means that some countries should have been warned yesterday.

Second, there is no meaningful enforcement mechanism. That means that countries that disregard the resolution don’t really have anything to fear, other than the wrath of investors. In other words, if governments and Central Banks know that they can manipulate their exchange rates with impunity, what’s to stop them? Look at Japan: its public debt is the highest in the world. It runs a perennial trade surplus. Its citizens are notorious savers. And yet, when the Yen rose to a record high, which you might expect from such an imbalanced economy, the G7 (in this case) took the unusual step of pushing the Yen down. I’m not saying this wasn’t the right thing to do, but what kind of signal does this send to other rule breakers.

While all emerging market countries took an active interest in exchange rates (and seek to exert some control over their currencies), China is certainly Public Enemy #1, and is the clear target of the “currency manipulation” talk. To its credit, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has permitted the Chinese Yuan to appreciate 20% against the Dollar (probably 30% when inflation is taken into account) over the last few years. Meanwhile, both internal government statisticians and the IMF expect its current account surplus to narrow to a mere 5% in 2011, as its economy slowly rebalances.

In this sense, I think China is a case in point that the best enforcement mechanism is reality. Specifically, China has reached a point where it cannot continue to pursue an economic policy based on exports, without spurring inflation and causing the inefficient allocation of domestic capital (such as in real estate). It must raise interest rates and accept the continued appreciation of the RMB is an unavoidable byproduct.

The same goes for other countries that attempt to hold their currencies down. If they can get away with it, then so be it. If not, I can guarantee that it won’t be the G20 that forces them to change.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Trade In 2011?

Kuninaka Ryoko
One of the basic and foremost instincts of a human being is to earn more and more profits. Making a profit greatly depends upon market conditions and general tactics. There are some useful steps which if being followed will help a lot, in understanding  the chemistry of these marketing conditions and to get some consistent profits from forex trading.

Day Traders

Most of us prefer being day traders, and it is the utmost desire and necessity to earn some profit by the end of the day. Being an efficient day trader, for instance, one should have in mind the average daily range for each of major currency pairs. In the last three months, most of the leading pairs have noticed their averages fall quite rapidly as indicated by the Average True Range indicator.
So, if the same trend continues, it leads to smaller and smaller trading range at the end of each day.

Necessary Precautions

As for those who don’t know, by the end of December 2010 the average range of the GBP /USD pair was 135 points at the time of writing. People, who enjoy early morning breakouts, must be cautious about trading early in the morning by taking in consideration of overnight trading points range. Moreover, if the range is between 30 to 60 points and breakout takes place, then there is plenty of room for the price to move strongly in the expected direction. This is the same situation when the trading range was in excess of 200 points, and we were sure about the price heading towards the right destination.

Longer Term Trades

Long term trades are always more reliable than the short term trades. Most of the traders are busy trying to get quick profits. However, it is quite a known fact that trading ranges are quite minor now a day’s for major pairs. Usually most of us are far much better off trading the four hour and daily charts. The overall trend, forex trading system uses the daily chart and the four hour chart for pinpointing entry and exit points.

This has worked marvelously for quite a long time, and there is nothing stopping forex from being more profitable in the upcoming years.

Making Money Is Simple

Making Money Is Simple
The major pairs will always confirm very well to technical analysis on these longer time frames. Overall it is a lot easier and quite efficient way to make money. You simply need to come up with a straight-forward trading system that can detect one or two high probability trading opportunities every week.
The crust of the whole scenario is that let the previous and bygones be left aside, there are still plenty of opportunities to make money from forex trading in 2011. This is true if you enjoy the bounty of trading the longer term charts. However, short term trading can also be fruitful despite the narrow trading ranges. We have to look a bit deep and find the right method, which leads to efficient trading.

Forex Becomes A Mass Movement

The market isn’t getting any more efficient is the first warning essential for all future forex traders The fashion among retail investors these days is to trade foreign exchange Before the trend catches on to you as well, note the fact that the FX market is unpredictable now, making it impossible to capitalize the same as an easy money generator.To confirm the same the test of an efficient market, volatility ratios, can be done. Thank you for reading about foreign exchange and foreign exchange.

The process involved is basic. If markets are to be efficient, past price movements shouldn’t predict future movements, but this is just one of the conditions. For this scenario the rise in volatility is proportionate to the square root of time, hence the volatility of fortnightly change is the same as the square root of two multiplied by the weekly volatility.

If we test the volatility of actual to random walk, we can see whether a price follows random walk or not. A higher random walk volatility than actual volatility translates into falls in one period leading to rises in the eventual period.

The ratio of actual to random walk volaitility for three main exchange rates can be seen in my chart. The pound may rise for a few weeks but would fall because of reversion is the suggestion here Further your knowledge on foreign exchange at currency conversion calculator.

Nevertheless, the ratios touch one, as close as 12 percent of it. One could easily lose fortunes bettinf on the inefficiency since it is so little. The diminishing profit making became staple of Forex trading in the 1990s since investors started wising up to the momentum effects.

One can see deviations over a short period of time from the random walk. Anticipating surprises better than the market can lead to a person making money even from a random walk. Our data findings show a roughly random rate move for foreign exchange over a 17 year period. The efficiency of a market would be brought down in extremely short periods.

For traders, knowing news like the US dollar turning absolutlely worthless in an years time would be priceless. It would have been possible to make money by purchasing the dollar at its lower point because it over reacted and then mean reverted.

But this is not an inefficient market. The profits made from purchasing dollar at its low point aren’t risk free ones but instead a reward for taking the crash risk. The predominant character in exchange rates over the years is the variation in crash risk.

It is obvious that the

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

“Currency Manipulation” Will Continue, Despite G20

Last month, the G20 finally agreed on the specific factors that would be used to determine whether a country was manipulating its currency. Despite being watered-down (by the usual suspects), the so-called “scorecard” is nonetheless extremely substantive. Unfortunately, the resolution will be backed only by “peer pressure,” rather than any kind of real enforcement mechanism, which means that in practice it is basically worthless.

While the proximate goal of the resolution is to eliminate exchange rate manipulation, it’s ultimate goal is to minimize the risk of another economic/financial crisis. Towards that end, a country’s “budget deficit levels, the external imbalance and private savings rates” will be closely scrutinized, and will be warned if any of these factors reach levels that are deemed to be unsustainable. The idea is that an early warning system will prevent the global economy from reaching a point of disequilibrium that is so severe that crisis would be impossible to avert.

Of course, the problems with this program are manifold. First of all, there are no concrete numbers. For example, it’s not clear how large a country’s national debt or trade deficit has to reach before it receives a phone call and slap on the wrist from the G20. In fact, you could argue that the same imbalances that precipitated the crisis are largely still in place, which means that some countries should have been warned yesterday.

Second, there is no meaningful enforcement mechanism. That means that countries that disregard the resolution don’t really have anything to fear, other than the wrath of investors. In other words, if governments and Central Banks know that they can manipulate their exchange rates with impunity, what’s to stop them? Look at Japan: its public debt is the highest in the world. It runs a perennial trade surplus. Its citizens are notorious savers. And yet, when the Yen rose to a record high, which you might expect from such an imbalanced economy, the G7 (in this case) took the unusual step of pushing the Yen down. I’m not saying this wasn’t the right thing to do, but what kind of signal does this send to other rule breakers.

While all emerging market countries took an active interest in exchange rates (and seek to exert some control over their currencies), China is certainly Public Enemy #1, and is the clear target of the “currency manipulation” talk. To its credit, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has permitted the Chinese Yuan to appreciate 20% against the Dollar (probably 30% when inflation is taken into account) over the last few years. Meanwhile, both internal government statisticians and the IMF expect its current account surplus to narrow to a mere 5% in 2011, as its economy slowly rebalances.

In this sense, I think China is a case in point that the best enforcement mechanism is reality. Specifically, China has reached a point where it cannot continue to pursue an economic policy based on exports, without spurring inflation and causing the inefficient allocation of domestic capital (such as in real estate). It must raise interest rates and accept the continued appreciation of the RMB is an unavoidable byproduct.

The same goes for other countries that attempt to hold their currencies down. If they can get away with it, then so be it. If not, I can guarantee that it won’t be the G20 that forces them to change.

Does Japan’s “Triple Disaster” Threaten the Dollar?

While analysts have been busy dissecting the implications of the natural disasters that ravage(d) Japan for forex markets, the focus has naturally been directed towards the Yen. Given all the rumors about the liquidation of foreign (i.e. Dollar-denominated) assets, it’s also worth examining the potential impact on the Dollar. In a nutshell, Japan’s holdings of US Treasury Securities are extensive, and even a partial unloading could have serious
implications for the world’s de facto reserve currency.
As I explained in my previous post, the Yen rose to a record high (against the Dollar) following the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear crisis because of rumors that Japanese insurance companies and other financial institutions would begin repatriating all of their foreign assets in order to pay for rebuilding. (For the record, it’s worth pointing out again that this has yet to take place, and any repatriation is probably related to the approaching fiscal-year end. Thus, the Yen is being propelled by speculation/short squeeze. Period.)
Indeed, Goldman  Sachs has estimated that the rebuilding effort will probably cost around $200 Billion. A significant portion of this will no doubt be covered by the payout of insurance claims. How insurance companies will make their claims is of course, unknown. However, consider that Japanese insurance companies have insisted that they have ample cash reserves. In addition, Japan has what is perhaps the world’s most solid earthquake reinsurance (basically insurance for insurers) program, which means primary insurance companies can basically pass these claims up the chain, perhaps all the way to the government.
As for whether the Bank of Japan will sell some its $900 Billion in Treasury holdings, this, too appears unlikely. First of all, the Bank of Japan is doing everything in its power to soften the upward pressure on the Yen, which would not be consistent with selling any of its Dollar-assets. Second,  the Financial Times has further argued that they will be especially unlikely to sell US Treasury securities, because they would lose money on (US Dollar) currency depreciation. Besides, any assets that are sold now to pay for rebuilding would probably need to be repurchased later in order to restore balance sheet equilibrium.
While I am on the topic, I want to draw attention to a recent Treasury report that documented the overseas holdings of Treasury securities. The major surprise was China, whose holdings were revised upwards to $1.18 Trillion (from $892 Billion), which means it is well-entrenched as the most important creditor to the US. However, this was offset by a 50% drop in the Bank of England’s holdings, caused perhaps by a change from US debt to British debt.
As I have written in the past, it seems unlikely – for political, economic, and financial – reasons that China will move to pare its Treasury holdings in a significant way. Simply, it has no other viable options for investing the foreign exchange reserves that it is forced to accumulate because of the Yuan-Dollar peg. Other doomsdays have speculated that the crisis in the Middle East will end the “petro-Dollar” phenomenon, whereby oil exporters settle their bills almost exclusively in Dollars and use the proceeds to buy Treasuries. While US influence in the Mid East may indeed wane further as a result of the ongoing political turmoil, I don’t think this will force a change to the PetroDollar phenomenon, which is due as much to unavoidable trade surpluses as it is to settling oil transactions in US Dollars.
There is certainly some concern about what will happen when the Fed wraps up QE2 later this year and stops buying Trreasury securities. Two prominent investment companies (PIMCO and Vanguard) have warned that this will cause bond prices to fall and interest rates on debt to rise rapidly. While this is certainly possible, demand for Treasuries will remain strong for as long as the current risk-averse climate remains in place. In addition, given that the US Treasury is not in danger of defaulting anytime soon, yields reflect expectations for inflation and interest rates more than supply/demand for the bonds themselves. Finally, when the Fed stopped buying mortgage backed securities in 2010, mortgage rates fell, contrary to expectations.
In short, the Dollar might continue to fall against the Yen as speculators cover their short positions, but not because of any fundamental reasons. On an aggregate basis, the never-ending string of crises won’t cause the Dollar to collapse. If anything, it might even bring some risk-averse capital back to the US and re-affirm the Dollar’s status as global reserve currency.


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